Friday, September 11, 2009

Phones In School

The video made by Michael Wesch and the article new literacy showed how technology is aiding students to become better writers. The video from Wesch clearly showed how the Internet is not only a way to look up information but now is a way to express an individual voice and to get help from people who a person would never be able to get help from because of distance.

The video made by Michael Wesch was imprinted very heavily on me because of my fascination for technology. The thought that we can create a network of people who aid us in our daily lives intrigues me because even though there are social networking sites that sometimes answer questions that we might have there is no actual resource that has experts in that field who are willing to teach us about their area of expertise at no cost to us. Furthermore the new literacy article showed me an unbiased side of texting and social networking and how this improves students writing skills. In Ms. Comp's english class we are implementing blogger to write responses to questions about our education and how we can impact the world this I think is proof that the Internet is no longer just information being looked at but is humans interacting and communicating through this tool. In the end what I actually carried away from these two presentations is that the internet is changing how we learn and how we express our opinion but can still let us conserve our literacy.

1 comment:

  1. the coments are vast and important this is an entteligable place .
